The Mall is the most popular name in Nainital city. The busiest road in the day time, The Mall runs side by side of the Nainital Lake. Britishers constructed The Mall Road which passes through the centre of Nainital and connects two main ends of Nainital city, Mallital and Tallital. In spite officially renamed as Govind Ballabh Pant Marg, the Mall road still locally called and famous by its previous name. Tourists and locals like to walk on the Mall to enjoy the beauty of Naini Lake mostly in the evening.
In the daytime, being a commercial centre, the Mall is over-crowded. A number of hotels, restaurants, banks, travel agencies and shops are there to makes visitors surprise. But during peak season time in May-June, The Mall road is closed for the vehicle, so that tourists can enjoy a rush free walk on the Mall.
We visited this park in December 2010, we were in group of 10-12 ...
The last day was an awesome experience for all of us. We have covered ...
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