The Clock had struck 12 midnight and my birthday was just a day away; I set my beloved Machismo on-course to Sarita Vihar to drop-off old-time buddy, Nitin after spending a few hours in peace. As the bullet rumbled at 80 kmph on the wide expressway, Nitin spat it out – “Yaar, lets hit the Himalayas”.
I hit the brakes hard and pulled over next to the sidewalk. He wanted a trip, and I had just been on one all by myself two weeks ago. With my spine still raring for more rest and the Machismo still packing the heat of the last trip, we decided to gun towards Theog, Himachal Pradesh after a brief discussion. It was an 845-kilometre ride that saw a few hick-ups and bestowed yet another bunch of memories that would last a lifetime.
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